Saturday, February 02, 2008

Red Bull Depth Charge....

It was a while back but it is pretty awesome... GnarTown will explain you better:

"Underneath the streets of small town Bonne Terre Missouri rests a gigantic underground lake within an abandoned mine. The lake holds over a billion gallons of water and is crystal clear with underwater visibility at 100 feet. It is a popular (safe) cave diving location that National Geographic rated one of the top adventure destinations.

So with all of this water in an underground pristine location what to do? How about bring in a bunch of sliders and kickers and hold a jibing bash with the top wakeboarders and wakeskater. This event was a one of a kind that was held a few years ago and probably will never happen again. The lucky few got to be towed by a ski and session this unreal location. Careful to avoid the countless rock pillars and low ceilings they made the most of it. Parks Bonifay, Erik Ruck, Josh Sanders, Daniel Watkins, Shaun Murray, Shawn Watson, Daniel Harf, Brett Eisenhauer, Darin Shapiro, Brian Grubb and Thomas Horrell all go the chance of a lifetime to ride here."

Here we go and thanks again for the link to GnarTown:

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