Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Art and General Museum and an Opera House in Dubai

This morning I was reading gulfnews.com and I saw this news:

"General Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum yesterday ordered the construction of an opera house, general and arts museums in Dubai."

The Opera House will be build on an man made island in the middle of the creek with a seating capacity of 2500pax (+ libraries on music and culture, a music school, indoor and outdoor theatres, art galleries, a reception, ballet halls, a private jetty, a hotel and service and entertainment facilities.) on 3 Million sqm!!!!

This Opera and Museum will help to provide new excitment to the town and I hope the modern art will have its space so it is a good news overall!!

Full article : http://www.gulfnews.com/nation/Heritage_and_Culture/10007642.html courtesy of Gulfnews

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