Saturday, March 22, 2008

No news????

Hi everybody!

As you have seen there is not so many news on the blog lately! There is two reasons for that:

- First one is that I'm pretty lazy, tired and running after the time so when I'm in front of my computer I play Pro Evolution Soccer or I watch LA Ink!
- Second one is that I'm leaving Dubai to .... Abu Dhabi!

Well that's why I'm working on my new project that is!

It will be more of a lifestyle blog covering my taste as usual but also a really edgy coverage on what could be the "best of" in living (Art, Fashion, Party, bit of politics, design, music...)
I will probably link it to my personnal experiences around the world so see you there!

PS: In between I will probably keep on posting here from time to time so come back until I tell you that I'm gone!

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