Nakheel is a main developper of Dubai and a private part of Dubai governement... I'm not interested in telling what and who they are because you just have to click on their name to learn that!
What I want you to know is that they have launch Blue Communities and I think we should really support this initiative!
In few words:
"Blue Communities is a call to action. Almost two thirds of the world’s population live in coastal communities and a large amount of development is taking place in these locations. As such there is a need for significant investment in research, development and positive transformation of these environments. The long term aim is for Blue Communities to provide leadership in the development of sustainable coastal communities
The investment will fund research and development activity, and promote active engagement with international experts on the issues of sustainable development, construction, management and governance of coastal communities around the world."
So why I'm crazy enough to support an action from a real eastate developper? Because they will help to save the coastline of the world by avoid building badly real estate project! So Surfing, Diving and all your favorites sport will still be there in centurys for our kids!
Everything that help building a better world worth trying it! No?
Here is their website!